Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Bavaria day 2 cont.

Philippe's school church

Philippe's school

Philippe's school

Philippe's school

The Alps in the background

church and a may pole

This is mostly here for philippe's hand, but the outside is also good

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


So, this is only the second half of the day, the first is yet to come - since I took a ridiculous number of photos. With it will also come a proper explanation of the entire day, this just has short notes.

View from the cable car on the way up Zugspitze - the highest mountain in Germany at 2962m above sea level

view from the top

Really windy & really cold

Philippe ever so patiently waiting for me to finish taking photos

a church we passed

Neuschwanstein aka Fairytale Castle

Hohenschwangau (the castle) and some village, a frozen lake etc.

Neuschwanstein from the other side

Monday, December 20, 2010

... and so it ends

photos from the last day:

Ullevål T-bane station

The bellow are from the markets, gallery and exterior of Blå

trying to defrost my feet in the art gallery

a church in Grünnaløkka

Cheeseburgers for our last flat meal together

presents from Mélanie

Philippe and I in reping our Christmas presents

The best part of Oslo! (minus Edgar)